Emmanuel Yawe writes:
The days of grazing routes are gone forever. We cannot revert to them or even modernise them. Grazing is not a leisure, not a mere hobby but a business. It is a serious and I understand profitable business. We - the people and government of Nigeria need meat. Those involved in this economically rewarding business must invest in it. They should buy land and ranch. Their stock will be more secured from attacks, more healthy & more productive. This view was canvassed at the North East Economic Summit in Gombe a few years back where I looked for you in vain. At that Summit it was established that Lagos State which has no cattle rearers but taxes every cow slaughtered in the State makes more money from cattle than all North East states with their infamous Jangali put togather.
This piece was written by Emmanuel Yawe. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of AdamawaCelebrities.com.
We in the north are deceiving ourselves , destroying the fabric of communal harmony and regarding our economic growth with this medieval system of cattle grazing. This problem of Cattle Fulani vs sedentary famers which refuses to go away has affected the Tiv ppepple adversely more than any other ethnic group in Nigeria. Our poor farmers in Nasarawa , Benue and Taraba are targeted for ethnic cleansing. President Buhari shocked me when he put on the uniform he last used in 1985 & went to Zamfara to launch a special military operation against cattle rustlers. At that time, Fulani marauders were having a field day against Tiv villages. It never occurred to him that at his inauguration he told us he was for everybody and was for nobody. I am now convinced that he is for the Fulani marauders and the poor Tiv farmers are on their own."
Culled from Chief Timawus Mathias Facebook Post, on Monday, 9th, January, 2017.. 10AM
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