"...UN Agencies, international and local NGOs are "non-performing". - Fidelis
Jackson Vincent Fidelis writes:
The advocacy for aid and intervention on humanitarian crisis in the embattled northeast can only get better when the true situation of affected persons is mainstreamed. In host communities and open camps dotting the landscape in Borno specifically and other flash points of violent extremism, the problem seems overwhelming upon keen observation of victims who get infinitesimally little or absolutely no relief item in a location with more than enough UN Agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) jostling for space.
A thorough needs assessment in specific general areas often reveals that intended target beneficiaries of humanitarian aid are not reached either through poor coordination or outright ineptitude. It's sad that some internally displaced persons (IDPs) have no idea what a voucher is let alone using same to get the needed assistance. Civil servants and other people not directly affected by the crisis have been identified in queues collecting "cash transfers", food and non-food items (NFIs) meant for the IDPs.
It will be sheer travesty of truthfulness to insinuate by any stretch of the imagination that UN Agencies, international and local NGOs are "non-performing". Far from it. The need, however, to identify displaced persons and other suffering victims of the crisis is rife. To take needed intervention to the wrong target beneficiaries is unarguably an exercise in futility.
A grassroots approach ought to be imbibed. The real IDPs ought to be identified in all communities and empowered with cash, food and NFIs, shelter and livelihood now that the economic situation in the country is making life quite unbearable for many below the poverty threshold.
It's heartwarming, therefore, to know that in direct reaction to the advocacy, UNICEF has started a requisite health programme for 0 to five-year olds in Fulatari while IDPs AID AND RELIEF FOUNDATION has provided cloths for displaced children and blankets for displaced adults in Fulatari and Shagari Low Cost A and B communities.
It's a shared humanity. A time to show random acts of kindness and a time to shine the light for everyone to see.
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