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No Crisis In Taraba Over Justice Galumje's Appointment

I came across a post yesterday which was all over the major sites & blogs nationwide & other news paper claiming about the 'Eruption of a certain crisis in Kurmi LG of Taraba State' because of Bar. Paul Galumje appointment & confirmation recently. I was indeed surprise seeing such, which is indeed a blunder.

Firstly I will like to debunk the fact that, there was no account of any crisis in kurmi LGA beause of the appointment as claimed by media reports, or even any form of crisis at all within the said Local Government & the state atlarge. I will however on a sad note suggest to the appropriate authorities of the media especially the social media to go extra mile by confirming & validating such News & reports before posting it to the general public for consumption. As it is worthy of spoiling the reputation of good & well known people in the society, and can cause choas to the existing peace
That Taraba is in.

There were some issues raised by individuals or groups as stated by media websites that I will like to clear and draw our attention to;

Firstly am not speaking on this issue as a stranger, No! Am a bonnified indigiene Of kurmi LG (Area where the judge comes from). And am not a politician but because this is diretly to my home town, there's a need to talk, educate, inform and tell the truth!

Based on Galumje's records from every reliable source & indications, it shows that Justice. Paul Galumje has served faithfully in the judiciary of Taraba State and has done a job well done, and has been appauded for his interegrity, well behaviors, good moral conduct and ethics, not as it was earlier speculated in reports yesterday nationwide. The peace of Kurmi LG has come to stay and can be tempered with, beause of the selfish interest of some few individuals who sponsored fake reports just to jupadise & sabotage the effort of Bar. Galumje & the state atlarge.


It will be shame and of great reproach, that the decision of few selfish individuals and groups almost gained ground in splitting us along political & tribal lines.
Its surprising that a son of the soil is been reognised nationally by the President, & some few individuals who actually did nothing worth talking about for Kurmi, calling it off?.
While others are looking for what we have, individualism wants to make us loose ourselves let's be wise & wisen up the more.

The kinship power tussle in kurmi is not in anyway influenced by Galumje, hence John Tobi (Former Chairman) and his co, has selfish interest. People of such caliber aren't supose to be in a better position to talk. If there quest against Paul Galumje is just, fair & not out of hatred & selfish interest. Then notable & trust worthy stake holders in Kurmi like Illiya Wanapiya, Mrs Lydia Wanapia, Hon. Simon Dogari will have join such quest.

By Musa Affos

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